Loksatta-"Anti-Corruption" |
of Income and Expenditure
- The statement of
accounts shall comprise accounts of income and
expenditure and an account of assets. It shall be drawn
up in accordance accepted bookkeeping principles and with
due regard for the purposes of this Law. The statement of
accounts of the political party in its entirety shall
incorporate the statements of accounts separately showing
federal and state organisations and the statements of
accounts of the subordinate organizations of each
respective state organization. The state organizations
and their subordinate organizations shall attach to their
statements of accounts a complete list of all donations
together with the names and addresses of the donors. The
party state organisations shall keep the partial reports
of the district organizations subordinate to them in
collective form in their own accounting documents.
- Income includes:
- Members'
subscriptions and similar regular contributions.
- Donations
from natural persons
- Donations
from legal entities
- Income from
- Income from
organized events, distribution of printed
materials and published materials and other
income-raising party activities
- Public funds
- Other income
- Grants from
- Total income
from items 1 to 8
- Expenditures
- Staff
- Current
business activities
- General
party work
- Elections
- Interest
- Other
- Allocations
to subdivisions
- The statement of
assets comprises:
1. Property
- Capital
- Real
estate and land
- Equipment
of premises
- Financial
- Working
- Claims
on subdivisions
- Claims
for public funds
- Monetary
- Other
III. All property
2. Debts
I Reserves
- Pensions
- Other
- Liabilities
towards the subdivisons
- Liabilities
towards credit institutes
- Other
3. Net Assets (positive
or negative).
- The statement of
accounts shall show separately the total contributions of
natural persons up to Rs.25,000 per person as well as the
total contributions of natural persons which exceed the
amount of Rs.25,000
- The report shall be
preceded by a summary of :
- income of the whole
party in accordance with Paragraph 2, Nos.1 to 7 and
their total,
- expenditure of the
whole party in accordance with Paragraph 3, Nos.1 to 6
and their total,
- any surplus or
- property of the
whole party in accordance with Paragraph 4, No.1 I and II
2 to 4 and their total
- debts of the whole
party in accordance with Paragraph 4, No.2 I and II 2 and
3 and their total,
- net assets of the
whole party (positive or negative),
- total income, total
expenditure, surpluses or deficits as well as net assets
of the three subdivisional levels; national organization,
land organizations and district organizations.
In addition to the
absolute figures for Nos.1 and 2 the respective percentage of
total income under No.1 and total expenditure under No.2 must be
- The number of
members at the end of the year must be indicated
- The party may attach
brief explanations to the statement of accounts and
especially to specific items.
Public grants for party
youth organizations shall not count towards the absolute and
relative limits. They should be indicated in the party's
statement for information purposes but are not to be included in
the statement of income and expenditure.
aged_____ years, resident
of ______________________________________________am a candidate
for election to the Office of ________________, and I do hereby
solemnly affirm and declare as follows:-
- That, I have
filed my nomination paper(s) for the above
- That, in
connection with my candidature for the above
election, I am submitting here with the
information in the prescribed proforma and the
Statement of Assets and Income pertaining to
myself, my spouse and dependent members of my
family under RP Act 1951
- That the
information furnished is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief and that nothing material
has been concealed therefrom.
before me
of verifying
with seal)